Multi-hyphenate specializing in web dev and podcasts.
There should not be a single reason why you would need a command palette search bar to find a blog post on your own site.
Until I find an individual that could coach me through all things related to Web3, I decided to outsource it back to AI.
Extending The Digital Bridge Initiative further with the San Diego Futures Foundation where we cover what is a GigaByte Guardian.
Today, I'm reconnected with San Diego Futures Foundation introducing their newest initiative called The Digital Bridge.
Extending The Digital Bridge Initiative further with the San Diego Futures Foundation where we cover what is a Kilobyte Contributor.
Extending The Digital Bridge Initiative further with the San Diego Futures Foundation where we cover what is a MegaByte Mentor.
Extending The Digital Bridge Initiative further with the San Diego Futures Foundation where we cover what is a TeraByte Titan.
A quick demonstration leveraging React alongside Bootstrap, hooks and Github API to display a user's profile.
Ever since Chat-GPT's November of 2022 release, it's been really hard to ignore the topic and its accelerated adoption.
James Q Quick places spotlight on 15 common JavaScript mistakes and needless to say it's worth the time to watch!
Today marks a temporary pause of the Podcast as I go head first into figuring out what on Earth Web3 is all about.
My inbox is flooded. I haven’t caught up. I’ve short circuited my anxiety by marking all as read, even though that’s definitely not the case.
A collection of links curated from my coworkers both past and present in regards to supporting Ukraine in its time of crisis.
The CEO of San Diego Children's Discovery Museum stops by to share in their STEAM initiatives tailored for the children of San Diego.
I will be competing in a special tournament called Tap Cancer Out 2022, which will be held February 12th in San Marcos, California.
Janaira from the San Diego Futures Foundation stops by to discuss the CompTIA program and their graduating class of 2022.
Here are some free resources I've found to be helpful in my own personal and professional web development journey.
The event loop deconstructed in full by Philip Roberts - packed with an easy going narrative, slides and illustrations.
This is a talk given by Christian at CityJS in September 2021. He is the principal product manager for developer tools in Microsoft Edge.
Going head first with Tiffany on addressing binary and non-binary identification and its impact on creating an empathetic digital experience.
An open invite to the members of Generation Z who have said goodbye to all forms of modern day social media.
Meet Peter Harnish, CEO of Well IQ - the accessible survey platform which strengthens patient and provider relationships.
My Working Soul is a unique business and career resource, offering targeted, full-cycle support for career professionals.
A one hour conversation with podcast host Ty Matson outlining my web development journey from the beginning to where it is today.
Christian Heilmann demonstrates console.log and Visual Studio Code working together in harmony, so you never have to do a context switch. Season 6 demo, part 5, on data structures with a mighty morphin twist. Here we'll introduce a stack data structure. Season 6 demo, part 4, on data structures with a mighty morphin twist. Here we'll modify our queue into a priority queue. Season 6 demo, part 3, on data structures with a mighty morphin twist. Here we go head first with queues. Season 6 demo, part 2, on data structures with a mighty morphin twist. Here we go head first into extending our array. Season 6 demo, part 1, on data structures with a mighty morphin twist. Here we go head first into linked lists and arrays.
Coach Mikey talks about the value of stepping away from your desk and the fitness services he provides for the lifestyle athlete.
I'm joined by Gabe Balanag. And with his help, he spotlights the gotchas new businesses experience as they set forth with their startups.
I'm joined by fellow web developer, Daniel Gurtner, and in this session we go through a situation explaining what a cookie is to his spouse.
Today I'm joined by members of the San Diego Futures Foundation. Follow along as we go head first into the digital divide in San Diego.
I’m joined by Ansel. And with his help, he coaches me on the importance of data, with a stronger emphasis on its value for the business.
I’m joined by Justin. And with his help, he walks me through a high-level explanation of what a MicroService is!
A comprehensive discussion of JavaScript by the creator himself, Brendan Eich. Without him, I most likely wouldn't have been a developer.
When you find Chuck Norris easter eggs on the Jenkins server, you share them with the world through ASMR. Headphones on and enjoy!
You've been bookmarked as a professional reference and when called, the recruiter asks...the loaded question.
Seasosn 4, Episode 2 of The AllWebSD Podcast takes me down a rabbit hole dabbling with JavaScript Framework, VueJS.
A quick demonstration leveraging Vue alongside Bootstrap, Axios and Github API to display a user's profile.
A quick demonstration leveraging Vue alongside Bootstrap to create a series of notifications using alert components.
My personal retrospective, brain vomit and more penned in an effort to find calm versus absolutes in a year we called 2020.
Recent graduates, career pivots and the like, this round of dialogue is dedicated to you. An invite to discuss why you chose a web career.
A book review of Pro JavaScript Techniques written by jQuery creator, John Resig. What could be relevant from a tech book from 2006?
A heart to heart talk with my wife on the night before Thanksgiving. Here we discuss the hardships and approach about learning something new.
A book review of Soft Skills: a software developer's life manual, with portions highlighted that I found to be most important.
A quick gut check, pep talk and checklist for people heading back into the world of freelance web development.
Learn how to add FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) interface to a Shopify theme by leveraging editable sections.
Tips and tricks for web developers, software developers and like-minded people who feel a touch of anger when going about their daily job.
Season 3 of podcast starts off with "When To Call It Quits" - an open ended discussion with Greg, a former UX Designer.
20ish minute presentation regarding JavaScript with strong arguments on why you don't need to employ that tool first.
Get a 2020 update on digital security from Security Engineer and Developer, Edel John Marcelino from Beacon Cloud Solutions.
Family Proud, a San Diego healthcare organization aimed at connecting patients and families to critical resources in their time of need.
A book review of WordPress In Easy Steps, with portions highlighted which I found to be most important in surviving this modern day CMS tool.
A book review of Digital Minimalism written by Cal Newport and the suggestions I used in his book to help alleviate my digital anxiety.
A todo list, specifically with drag and drop and state management. This was built with Angular 9, Angular Material and NgRx.
I use an iPhone and I have that bias groomed into me from the start.
Whenever you're caught in a rabbit hole, I remember the 5 things my JavaScript instructor taught me that I want to share with you as well.
A quick retrospective doing C# from the perspective of a JavaScript Developer.
Outlining my intended path from Angular 4 to 6, explaining as many gotchas along the way and how I concluded into Angular 5.
A quick explanation on note taking techniques I've personally found helpful from lifehacker and human guinea pig, Tim Ferriss.
Hide desktop in OSX by killing Finder.
This web asset illustrates the current state of Cannabis legalization throughout the USA.
Utilizing previous techniques on creating a VueJS embeddable web app, I decided to propose the same for the Cannabis industry.
A quick pen for my kid with hopes she revisits this message some time in the future.
Considering REST API calls for WordPress were available since version 4.7, I wanted to consume blog posts and reuse them.
A reusable JavaScript animation I developed for web and mobile platforms.
I started out strong but was unable to maintain a dominant series and ended the match through points.
Chris Coyier gives an overview of his current day local development processes.
Overview of bringing value back to your domain by syndicating your newsletter content through RSS feeds.
Be The Match and Tap Cancer Out are a couple of causes you'll see me fighting for on a daily basis. Please register or donate today!
Fun side project for a 5 week total body fitness program.
Overview of cutting-edge JavaScript development techniques to build modern web and Node.js apps.
video walkthrough of a VueJS Web App functioning as an embeddable widget so it can be hosted on any domain.
A video walkthrough of an Angular Data Visualization Web App for a sleep improvement system.
Have you ever run a marathon? In the words of Michael Scott, I should've just said NO!
Gain an instant 60% reduction in bundled library code.
This talk introduces the Git Version Control System by looking at what Git is doing when you run the commands you need to do basic version control with it.
Rick speaks with Addy Osmani about the state of JavaScript.
A simple yet effective spreadsheet that you or your company can use to prioritize web performance goals.
Learn a variety of patterns for instantiating new objects in JavaScript and in doing so will gain a deep understanding of JavaScript's prototype.
Behind the scenes at SleepScore Labs with Dr. Mehmet Oz.
In lieu of SleepScore Labs newest sleep solution, SleepScore App, CS team wanted to create a chat alternative to support its launch.
Demystifying ngOnInit and constructor methods in Angular.
Learn about the ways Angular is making applications that better leverage the network, take advantage of new APIs, adopts and promotes standards.
In April of 2017, I was tasked with design and development of a data visualization dashboard.
Paul demonstrates improved workflows for debugging, profiling and understanding your app using the DevTools Protocol.
Generate mobile, tablet and desktop experiences from one codebase.
In order to be efficient and capable at our jobs, we must also excel at debugging.
Jen Simmons gives a brief look at some of the things CSS Grid can do.
Change the name of your current branch and ship it back to the remote repo.
So, fellow JavaScript developers, my name is Fox Reymann, and tonight I'm going to present a talk, Ace JavaScript Interviews, Scoping and Hoisting.
Identifying meta data inside of a package file.
MaintainableCSS is an approach to writing modular, scalable and maintainable CSS.
Unfortunately the downside of caching is something we must tolerate.
Have JavaScript import breakpoints directly from the CSS values in the DOM.
Quick and fancy tips using Google Chrome DevTools.
Learn the state of the art in debugging using Chrome dev tools.
Can there be true separation of concerns with MVC? Not entirely.
Paul Irish and Sam Saccone show new tips, tricks and features in DevTools.
In security-sensitive situations, performance can actually be a bug rather than a feature.
Vitaly Friedman presents dirty practical techniques and clever ideas developed in actual real-life projects.
Exploring new features in performance profiling, animation inspection and updates to the JavaScript editing workflow with V8.
Throwback to that one time I tried to influence you to buy something.
From Fluent 2015: Kyle Simpson who’s passionate about all things JavaScript.
Partnered with Moovweb, to develop mobile optimized workflows from high-traffic areas like Homepage, Cart/Checkout and PDP.
I couldn't resist playing around with Sheldon's friendship algorithm.
Aiming to expand the iPhone's possibilities, Fuffr is a case which can use any surface the phone is lying on as a controller.
Interpreting and crawling web pages that make heavy use of JavaScript.
Be selective in terms of what glyphs you want to leverage versus calling the entire set of glyphs in one large request.
Find console statements line-by-line by loading this JavaScript snippet.
Almost everything is an object, functions are first class values and how primitives don't look like objects.
8 terminal utilities every OS X CLI users should know.
After exposing the Solr endpoint with a reverse proxy, it's important to note that it also exposes the Solr admin panel to the end-user.
Secure your Solr instance by placing the application on a different file server and behind a firewall.
With every programming language, there's a list of best practices; do's and don'ts. JavaScript is no exception.
A conference call in real life.
Another day in the life of Anderson, an engineer trying to fit into the corporate world.
Cliff-notes I wrote down a few years back on jQuery and JavaScript.
Implemented simple proxy to communicate to an Apache Solr instance outside of my domain.
All the asynchronous callbacks where DevTools displays the full call stack.
Page speed seems to be one of the bigger priorities as of late and I was designated with the RnD task in making one of our subdomains...faster.
A curated list of commonly frustrating HTML and CSS quandaries, miscues, and dilemmas.
An email caught my attention with a limited time offer countdown clock through animated gif. Cool!
If you need a minifier for CSS and JS assets, feel free to explore Minify.
Web Designer workflow presentation by Chris Coyier of CSS Tricks.
A set of guidelines for jQuery programming.
Useful tools in evaluating the viewport size of various mobile devices.
The most hearted codepens of 2013, hearted up to three times.
Step-by-step guide using SquidMan to connect localhost to mobile devices.
Open source search project implemented on for-profit education company, UoR.
Explore the location properties on JavaScript's window object.
Reviewing the key/value structure of JSON, I came across a discussion on Parsing JSON with hyphenated key names.
Notes regarding implementation of Solr's open-source search platform.
My issue is specific to URLs being indexed as www vs. non-www.
Documentation on how to set up an Apache Solr instance, crawl then index a website with Apache Nutch.
Setting up search and have stumbled onto roadblock after roadblock.
My resolution was to update the JavaScript file to check the location object.
Pointed the crawl and index to the location of a specific collection.
Save time. You do not need to pawn this task to a designer.
Modify your root directory's .htaccess file to leverage browser cache.
I'm currently using Nutch 1.7 to crawl my domain. My issue is specific to URLs being indexed as www vs. non-www.
Behind the scenes with the Marketing Devs at Bridgepoint Education.
Code snippets from
Leverage the navigator object to check what version of Internet Explorer you're using. Yuck.
CSS3 and IE7/8 versions of nth:child CSS selections.
HTML is assumed to have an initial div block with an unordered list.
Check an HTML element for inline styles of display block with jQuery.
Use indexOf() to find a URL parameter attached to a website address.
Test out your localhost on Browserstack through a web tunnel.
View your local test environment with MAMP on iPhone.
Start an iPhone simulator assuming you have Xcode installed in Applications directory.
A set of coding conventions and rules for use in JavaScript programming.
Show hidden files in OSX by killing Finder.
Use the terminal to edit hosts file and flush DNS cache.
Search or navigate to files, methods or line numbers. Shortcuts for text search and beyond.