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Teaching SQL to My Wife

Teaching SQL to My Wife

November 26, 2020
4 min read
Table of Contents


It’s the night before Thanksgiving. I have a laptop, a mic and an itch to talk to my wife about tech and not turkey. Aloha.


What’s up everyone and welcome to season 3 series finale of allWebSD. It took a while to get to this episode, so I must apologize in advance. It looks like 5-6 episodes is what I can define as a season at this point for the show and I’m looking to regroup next year with Season 4. That said, let’s get to the topic on hand.

Tonight I’m joined by my wife Kyung Mi, Senior Data Administrator for San Diego based ResMed. And like many of us in 2020, she’s had to juggle a lot of moving parts. And somewhere along the way, aspiring to learn SQL has become part of her performance.

Yes, you heard that right. SQL aka Structured Query Language. For me, the non-traditionalist, I say Sequel.

“…it never ends…like I feel like I don’t have a stop point where I can actually pull back from my day to day job to learn something new”

- My wife (when I asked what’s making it hard at the moment to pick up a new thing to learn)

Highlighted Topics

  1. Senior Data Administrator (Finance/Sales) - What is your role at ResMed?
  2. What is data in a nutshell for your line of work?
  3. What was the justification in learning SQL for you and your team?
  4. What is making it hard at the moment to pick up a new thing to learn?
  5. What book did we choose to learn SQL.

Oops, My Bad

Something I just realized is that I referenced the wrong book. I should have just suggested the original Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes but I pointed you in the direction of a more specific 10 minute book in, Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft SQL Server T-SQL.

My Suggestions

  • You need a tour of all the data. You need to know where the data lives in these specific repositories.
  • Make a long list (or a short list) about what the FAQs are when it comes to your business.


Thank you for listening. Stay tuned. Keep up to date. Wish us a lot of luck. It is the blind leading the blind and it’s going to be fun. And we’re just gonna leave it at that. So please give it a like, subscribe, a follow—allWebSD.com. Visit me on marklreyes.com. Check it out on all your professional networks, namely LinkedIn.

We’ll see you next time. And let’s hope we don’t delete any data. Uh oh. 😳

PS: I kept saying series finale. I should’ve kept saying season finale. See you in 2021!

PPS: Drop a comment, leave a line and tell us what’s going on. What ways, shapes or forms do you find to be most effective to learn a topic like this, especially from the ground up?

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