My inbox is flooded. I haven’t caught up. I’ve short circuited my anxiety by marking all as read, even though that’s definitely not the case.
I’m joined by Ansel. And with his help, he coaches me on the importance of data, with a stronger emphasis on its value for the business.
Be The Match and Tap Cancer Out are a couple of causes you'll see me fighting for on a daily basis. Please register or donate today!
Janaira from the San Diego Futures Foundation stops by to discuss the CompTIA program and their graduating class of 2022.
When you find Chuck Norris easter eggs on the Jenkins server, you share them with the world through ASMR. Headphones on and enjoy!
An open invite to the members of Generation Z who have said goodbye to all forms of modern day social media.
A quick pen for my kid with hopes she revisits this message some time in the future.
Behind the scenes with the Marketing Devs at Bridgepoint Education.
I'm joined by fellow web developer, Daniel Gurtner, and in this session we go through a situation explaining what a cookie is to his spouse.
Behind the scenes at SleepScore Labs with Dr. Mehmet Oz.
Extending The Digital Bridge Initiative further with the San Diego Futures Foundation where we cover what is a GigaByte Guardian.
A quick retrospective doing C# from the perspective of a JavaScript Developer.
Get a 2020 update on digital security from Security Engineer and Developer, Edel John Marcelino from Beacon Cloud Solutions.
Whenever you're caught in a rabbit hole, I remember the 5 things my JavaScript instructor taught me that I want to share with you as well.
A conference call in real life.
Today, I'm reconnected with San Diego Futures Foundation introducing their newest initiative called The Digital Bridge.
Extending The Digital Bridge Initiative further with the San Diego Futures Foundation where we cover what is a Kilobyte Contributor.
My personal retrospective, brain vomit and more penned in an effort to find calm versus absolutes in a year we called 2020.
Another day in the life of Anderson, an engineer trying to fit into the corporate world.
Family Proud, a San Diego healthcare organization aimed at connecting patients and families to critical resources in their time of need.
Meet Peter Harnish, CEO of Well IQ - the accessible survey platform which strengthens patient and provider relationships.
Extending The Digital Bridge Initiative further with the San Diego Futures Foundation where we cover what is a MegaByte Mentor. Season 6 demo, part 1, on data structures with a mighty morphin twist. Here we go head first into linked lists and arrays. Season 6 demo, part 2, on data structures with a mighty morphin twist. Here we go head first into extending our array. Season 6 demo, part 3, on data structures with a mighty morphin twist. Here we go head first with queues.
A quick gut check, pep talk and checklist for people heading back into the world of freelance web development. Season 6 demo, part 4, on data structures with a mighty morphin twist. Here we'll modify our queue into a priority queue. Season 6 demo, part 5, on data structures with a mighty morphin twist. Here we'll introduce a stack data structure.
I use an iPhone and I have that bias groomed into me from the start.
Recent graduates, career pivots and the like, this round of dialogue is dedicated to you. An invite to discuss why you chose a web career.
Today marks a temporary pause of the Podcast as I go head first into figuring out what on Earth Web3 is all about.
Going head first with Tiffany on addressing binary and non-binary identification and its impact on creating an empathetic digital experience.
A book review of Digital Minimalism written by Cal Newport and the suggestions I used in his book to help alleviate my digital anxiety.
A book review of Pro JavaScript Techniques written by jQuery creator, John Resig. What could be relevant from a tech book from 2006?
A book review of Soft Skills: a software developer's life manual, with portions highlighted that I found to be most important.
A book review of WordPress In Easy Steps, with portions highlighted which I found to be most important in surviving this modern day CMS tool.
The CEO of San Diego Children's Discovery Museum stops by to share in their STEAM initiatives tailored for the children of San Diego.
I'm joined by Gabe Balanag. And with his help, he spotlights the gotchas new businesses experience as they set forth with their startups.
Today I'm joined by members of the San Diego Futures Foundation. Follow along as we go head first into the digital divide in San Diego.
Coach Mikey talks about the value of stepping away from your desk and the fitness services he provides for the lifestyle athlete.
There should not be a single reason why you would need a command palette search bar to find a blog post on your own site.
I will be competing in a special tournament called Tap Cancer Out 2022, which will be held February 12th in San Marcos, California.
A collection of links curated from my coworkers both past and present in regards to supporting Ukraine in its time of crisis.
A heart to heart talk with my wife on the night before Thanksgiving. Here we discuss the hardships and approach about learning something new.
Extending The Digital Bridge Initiative further with the San Diego Futures Foundation where we cover what is a TeraByte Titan.
Tips and tricks for web developers, software developers and like-minded people who feel a touch of anger when going about their daily job.
I couldn't resist playing around with Sheldon's friendship algorithm.
I started out strong but was unable to maintain a dominant series and ended the match through points.
Here are some free resources I've found to be helpful in my own personal and professional web development journey.
A one hour conversation with podcast host Ty Matson outlining my web development journey from the beginning to where it is today.
You've been bookmarked as a professional reference and when called, the recruiter asks...the loaded question.
Have you ever run a marathon? In the words of Michael Scott, I should've just said NO!
Seasosn 4, Episode 2 of The AllWebSD Podcast takes me down a rabbit hole dabbling with JavaScript Framework, VueJS.
Until I find an individual that could coach me through all things related to Web3, I decided to outsource it back to AI.
I’m joined by Justin. And with his help, he walks me through a high-level explanation of what a MicroService is!
My Working Soul is a unique business and career resource, offering targeted, full-cycle support for career professionals.
Season 3 of podcast starts off with "When To Call It Quits" - an open ended discussion with Greg, a former UX Designer.