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Step Away From The Desk

Step Away From The Desk

May 26, 2021
2 min read
Table of Contents


Today, I’m joined by Coach Mikey, certified personal trainer out of San Diego. And in this discussion, we talk about the value of stepping away from your desk for a few minutes and some of the services he provides for integrating a healthy routine into your daily life.

Bonus Video

Highlighted Topics

  • Who is Coach Mikey?
  • More specifically, what is MikeyOFit?
  • What makes your fitness programs different versus others out there?
  • You were an IT Recruiter, yes? Then you know lots of people have desk jobs, including me. What are some tips you have for people that work behind a desk 40+ hours/week?
  • SCENARIO: Let’s say…I can’t afford you at this time (perhaps someone is out of work, or struggling financially). What could I do in the interim before consulting with you?

Where to find MikeyOFit

Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, join me at San Diego Tech Hub and go head first into the AllWebSD Group. It’s totally free. Just visit this link or click San Diego Tech Hub on the footer of AllWebSD.com. Thanks and Aloha!