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Open Mat Series Invitational

Open Mat Series Invitational

December 11, 2020
3 min read

Hey guys and welcome to the newest episode of AllWebSD. Where I put my city’s digital savants on the forefront, talk tech and find the proper moments of rest before burnout becomes a reality.


My city’s digital savants. Let’s go there.

Today I’m hungry. And I’m hungry to be once again inspired…by YOU. Specifically, the you that right now in this very moment decided to undertake such an arduous specialization inside of software development. Recent graduates, career pivots  and the like, this round of dialogue is dedicated to you.

Let’s talk. Let’s break bread. Let’s train.

In my Jiu Jitsu school my Professor would call this an Open Mat. So let’s take this opportunity to be just that. A moment of time where we train together and pick each other’s brains on why we made this choice. Where we were, where we are and where we’d like to go with the decision already made.

You’ve gone all-in trusting your instincts and inner wisdom to be on this path and I’d like to be part of that journey, even if for a few short minutes. We can go here, we can go there and we can talk about any uncertainty you have along the way.

Now…are you hesitant and a bit camera shy? That’s okay. It’s audio only. I’m opening the mat for up to [5 spots, first come, first served](mailto:mr@marklreyes.com?subject=Open Mat Invitational Series on AllWebSD Podcast).

On a final note, I’d like you to take this chance and view it from a different perspective. A time capsule-like approach or a message in a bottle, if you will. A note you can look back on fondly down the line as a way to really gain some insight about yourself direct from no-one else…but YOU.

Be easy, take care and I’ll talk to you again in the new year.

Aloha, San Diego. 🤙🏾