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Use SquidMan.app to connect localhost to mobile devices

Use SquidMan.app to connect localhost to mobile devices

February 20, 2014
2 min read

This step-by-step guide assumes you have MAC OSX installed and are troubleshooting from an iPad/iPhone. This should work in a similar fashion if your mobile device is Android based. Ensure your localhost’s URL is aliased such as, myproject.dev

  1. Download SquidMan.
  2. Run SquidMan.app.
  3. On iPad/iPhone open Settings > Wi-Fi and select your Wi-Fi network.
  4. Take note of the Wi-Fi network’s IP address. For example,
  5. In SquidMan open your Preferences, Command + ,.
  6. In General ensure that HTTP Port is 8080.
  7. In Clients add IP address, then click save.
  8. In Template comment out http_access deny to_localhost and click save.
  9. Open System Preferences > Network on your Macbook and note its IP address. For example,
  10. On iPad/iPhone open Settings > Wi-Fi and select your Wi-Fi network.
  11. Switch the HTTP PROXY by pasting your Macbook’s IP address,
  12. On iPad/iPhone open your localhost URL.

Thanks to, egalo