It’s encouraged that you secure your Solr instance by placing the application on a different file server and behind a firewall. That’s an issue if you are trying to consume data from the Solr instance leveraging AJAX techniques.
[caption id=“attachment_249” align=“alignleft” width=“920”] Flowchart of a reverse proxy directive that rests on’s httpd.conf file.[/caption]
- and Apache Solr live on separate boxes.
- A firewall protecting Apache Solr plus the cross-domain issue does not expose the necessary end-point to consume via AJAX.
- Depending on your sys admin setups, Solr may not live on a fully qualified domain (ie.
- An AJAX call to consume the Solr instance’s JSON/XML won’t work cross-domain.
- Reverse Proxy directive, mod_proxy - Apache HTTP Server
- This allows for an endpoint that is visible to the browser and we can consume the JSON/XML that rests within the Solr instance.
ProxyPass /solr
ProxyPassReverse /solr
Don’t forget to apply a RewriteRule Directive to protect the Solr admin panel, once you’ve exposed it to the browser!