Logo Mark L. Reyes
Crawl Metatags with Nutch 1.7

Crawl Metatags with Nutch 1.7

November 20, 2013
2 min read

In regards to the Stackoverflow recommendation on enabling the metatag plugin, I came across a roadblock when I had to merge this solution to my integration of AJAX Solr. Unfortunately, taking the recommendation at face value caused a JavaScript error of undefined when accessing the the meta tag key/value pair from the JSON object. Granted the recommendation chained metatag.description together, it interpreted metatag to be an object that did not exist.

Reviewing the key/value structure of JSON, I came across this discussion on Parsing JSON with hyphenated key names, I thought the same would hold true for mine. That said, I’ve augmented the Stackoverflow suggestion slightly to leverage underscores versus dot syntax and came up with the following:

	/* For schema.xml on Nutch and Solr */
	<field name="metatag_description" type="text_general" stored="true" indexed="true"/>
	<field name="metatag_keywords" type="text_general" stored="true" indexed="true"/>

	/* For solrindex-mapping.xml on Nutch */
	<field dest="metatag_description" source="metatag.serptitle"/>
	<field dest="metatag_keywords" source="metatag.serpdescription"/>

This was implemented on Nutch 1.7 on a Solr 4.5.0 instance.

Please refer to the following for context:

  1. Extracting HTML meta tags in Nutch 2.x and having Solr 4 index it
  2. Parsing JSON with hyphenated key names
  3. Nutch - Parse Metatags