Category Archives: Sleep Projects

My collection of Sleep Projects.

SleepScore Animated Aura

A reusable JavaScript animation I developed for web and mobile platforms. This is currently the visual centerpiece of the SleepScore App available for FREE on iOS and Android.

The fundamentals for this were based on Addy Osmani’s explanation of The Module Pattern. A developer would call the object Aura and pass in an object literal of key-values to kickstart the animation. I used gulp for build tasks such as minifying code. Then each platform could host the final build artifacts on their respective app.

Core Technologies

  • jQuery v3
  • Sass
  • Gulp

Bonus Video (as seen on Today with Hoda and Jenna)

SleepScore Sleep In America

A video walkthrough of a VueJS Data Visualization Web App I developed for This app acts as an embeddable widget so the codebase can be hosted on any domain or mobile app. The end user is able to compare and contrast sleep data based on region and gender. This was optimized mainly for iPad/tablet use cases for CES.

Core Technologies

  • Vue CLI
  • Vuidget – Vue.js embeddable widget
  • Vue Circle Progress
  • Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap Vue
  • jQuery
  • Google Charts