Category Archives: Personal Log

My collection of notes intersecting both my professional and personal pursuits.

When To Call It Quits (UX Edition)

Welcome to Season 3 of the allwebSD podcast! I’m back bringing stories to the foreground within the San Diego tech community and today I’m opening up this season with an awkward subject.

Simply put, when to call it quits

Today, I’m here with my former coworker who is helping me understand just that. His name is Greg Schumsky and I had the privilege of working with him for a little over 6 months on a digital project within the consumer sleep space.

Here’s a bit about Greg – he drives a DeLorean almost daily and built a remote controlled R2D2 out of God knows what. It’s accurate enough that I think Disney would want to acquire it. 

But today he is working on his bigger creative dreams, which I’ll let him disclose should he want to but for the most part he’s here to clear things up on today’s topic.

You see Greg decided to do just that. Specifically within the UX side of our digital world and I wanted to know why. So here he is, opening up his heart as to why that decision was necessary in his creative career.

Best advice I can give is to be flexible…and don’t take anything personally.

Greg Schumsky, Maker of Music and Dreamer of Dreams at Acorn Entertainment Group, Inc.

Highlighted Topics

  • “UX Design is just not me or a thing I want to be a part of…”
  • “I really don’t know who’s to blame for that happening, yet no one seems interested in fixing that…Yes, you can fight them on it if you wish, but at the end of the day, they will always win.”


For anyone listening, it’s important to pull certain elements from this as you blaze your own path but for the most part, leave the rest in passing. Greg’s story and experience is unique and I’m thankful that we got this chance to reconnect and gain perspective. 

Go Phish

Welcome to the Season 2 Finale of the allwebSD podcast. I’m joined today by Security Engineer, Developer but more importantly one of my best friends and brothers from another mother. I’ve grown up with this guy since my high school days. I will not tell you when I went to high school cause I don’t want to date myself, but ya Michael Jordan was still the King…still is the King and we’ll leave it at that.

This is Edel John Marcelino of Beacon Cloud Solutions, a local cyber security company out of San Diego.

Look at it (digital data) like you would anything else…I’m sure everyone still has file cabinets full of paper files…if I lost those paper files, what would happen?

Edel John Marcelino, Engineer at Beacon Cloud Solutions

Highlighted Topics

  • Comparing data security from the past (2008) to now (2020).
  • Remember Target and Home Depot Credit Card breaches.
  • Summary of current payment processors: NFC payments, Google Payments, Apple Payments, Samsung Payments, etc.
  • Quarantine’s Top 10 Phishing Targets
  • Password Management.
  • Identity Theft Insurance – is it worth it?
  • Back up your data.
  • What the hell is a vector?

Meet Family Proud

Hey, everyone and welcome to another episode of AllWebSD. Today, I’m taking a virtual tour of a San Diego company called Family Proud.

Heads up, I’m taking a nose dive deep into cold water so if my questions seem spotty, I’m asking you now for forgiveness, so thanks.

Please welcome a member of the San Diego Tech Hub community, he is CEO and Co-Founder, Jaden Risner.

We connect patients and families to community and resources that are critical to their care in their time of need.

Jaden Risner, CEO of Family Proud

Highlighted Topics

  1. What is Family Proud?
  2. What’s the biggest challenge you have with your specific role right now?
  3. Why? What compels you daily to pursue Family Proud?
  4. If you could have a billboard with anything on it, what would it be and why?
  5. Who are the three people who have been the most influential to you? 
  6. How are you doing as a human in this COVID environment?
  7. Where can we connect with you online?

PS: He said “Instagram” 🤪