Category Archives: Personal Log

My collection of notes intersecting both my professional and personal pursuits.

Review of Soft Skills


Coding is hard. And if you aren’t careful, it’ll suck you down a rabbit hole costing you the chance to be mindful of everything else. And that’s where this book comes into play.

Soft Skills: The software developer’s life manual by John Sonmez, is a book which helped me understand that there’s more to this career path than creating object oriented code or deploying things into a cloud.

Here’s my summary and why I think you should add this to your developer book shelf.


The book is broken down into 7 thoughtful sections including: “Career”, “Marketing Yourself”, “Learning”, “Productivity”, “Financial”, “Fitness” and “Spirit”.

Sections are divided into chapters, with each chapter offering advice in short order and action items to do at the end. Think of this as a tiny list for you to digest. Use it as a way to take stock to then apply to your situation.

What’s Important

At 400ish pages in length, here’s what you’ll want to focus on first.


People skills: You need them more than you think – a 5 page pep talk on informing you that it’s not all about code. John channels his inner Dale Carnegie to give advice on the ineffectiveness of criticizing other people, the value in avoiding arguments and more.

Marketing Yourself

Marketing basics for code monkeys – this headfirst explanation is written for the developer to understand the value of marketing oneself and options on how to do so.


Finding gaps in your knowledge – take inventory of where your knowledge gaps are with this series of written exercises challenging you to write down your questions and hardships with an intention to revisit them down the line.


Pomodoro Technique – a timing exercise applicable to your daily work life. Although I don’t prescribe to the timer down to the exact second, I still leverage some form of this pattern throughout my day. It’s a nice flow of focus and rest that I strongly recommend you explore.


What are you going to do with your paycheck? – John paints a broad brush on finances, consistent in his opinions like other financial experts. Stop thinking short term and distinguishing between an asset and a liability are my personal favorites.


Why you need to hack your health – a commitment to your health. Need I say more?


Having the right mental attitude: Rebooting – this chapter molds itself as a personal reflection you must take when it comes to your thoughts. Essentially, techniques are given on how to take an x-ray of your thoughts and what to do with them next.


Enjoy the read. Don’t barrel through it. Read it in order. Jump around. It doesn’t matter.

John’s tone is very empathic. His narrative offers a sense of calm throughout and the format is set up for readers to consume advice in digestible pieces. If you choose to be in the software development career for the long haul, buy this book and never let it go.

This post may contain affiliate links. Should you make a purchase by clicking on any of the links, I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Read my full affiliate disclosure here.

Losing The Bid


I’m fairly rusty with freelance. Frankly, my last freelance gig was almost a decade ago. A lot has changed since then…namely starting a family. But alas, with 2020 being so unique, I thought I’d take a stab at getting back into this arena part time and I wanted to outline some things which happened along the way.

Long story short, I did not get the job.


Through word of mouth, a colleague of mine connected me to one of his clients in Los Angeles. Their company – an app based service for home cooked meals. They had a web app written in AngularJS and looked to add new features on an existing screen.

After a few days and filtering the true needs to be met, I emailed a quote. Thereby getting this reply:

$…for one screen being updated is way out of our budget. I thank you for your time.  Perhaps we can do something together in the future.

– Client XYZ

What Now?

I can’t knock the receiving end for saying no. I too am a customer and I empathize that every scenario is already influenced with a prefixed budget in mind.

But could I have done something else to have supply and demand equal out?

Honestly…no. That said, I thought it’d be best to leave a checklist for those of you in similar scenarios. Here are my essentials I obsessed about behind the scenes before ever striking into a conversation.

Freelance Checklist 2020

✅ Do I really want the gig?

Seriously…do you? Have you spent enough time on your own deeds? Would family time be in jeopardy should you say yes? Decline immediately if you’re on the fence. Neither side will benefit if you’re not all in.

✅ Are my conversations free?

Some people charge like lawyers. I’m not one of them. Free conversations (albeit, you must time box them) is the opportunity for you to filter out what the true needs are from the client.

✅ What’s my quote?

The hardest part. Honestly, the best advice I received as of late came from two fronts.

First, my colleague who connected me. In short, billing from total project cost is recommended if you’re absolutely sure of everything you had to quote. If you have a sense of uncertainty, bill by the hour.

Second, what rate to charge? Make it up (thanks


At this point, what matters most isn’t that I didn’t close the deal, but the lessons I can uproot after the fact. I hope this checklist sheds some light on your next freelance endeavor.

How do you balance freelance with a full-time career and other lifestyle dynamics? I’d love to know your opinion. Feel free to contact me and hopefully we can get a conversation on this sometime in the future.

Thanks. 🤙🏾

The Angry Developer


Developers. How many companies have them? The developer suffix is often prepended with any of the following: Front End, Back End, iOS, Android, Web, Full Stack, Embedded, Software, Desktop, Middle Tier, etc. 

But what about The Angry Developer? You know who I’m talking about. That one developer always wrapped in angst, flips out on scope changes or constantly punts back, it works on my machine. Okay, that last one might be a stretch because honestly, that could be any developer under any circumstance.

But back to the point and I must confess, I’m very much guilty of being that person. When I first got into this industry, I picked up some bad habits and I wanted to send notice on my mistakes and offer suggestions, in case you ever feel angry when in the trenches of code.

Choose Your Role Models Wisely 

It’s your first day at the company and you’re meeting people left and right. You follow certain personalities on social media. Be extra mindful on who you choose to fold into your own. In the beginning of my career, I was seriously just excited to do web. But I never thought beyond the task and the level of detail which takes place after receiving the opportunity, namely your soft skills.

What I can tell you is that Austin 3:16 may work in the squared circle but you should think twice before bringing the rattlesnake into a conference room. 

Take a break and meditate.

Embrace Criticism

Criticism – both good and bad will exist in the workplace. It just happens. It’s a song and dance you and your coworkers are playing at every turn, especially if you’re in a position which literally produces an experience. Rest assured, nothing is perfect. Facebook, Google and the start-ups of today still go through their examinations before throwing something out into the wild. Remember, your customer doesn’t know you by name. But they do know how they’d feel after a first pass at your product or service. Criticism, in my opinion is an inclusive exercise when inside your office space. But once it exits that door, the customer’s critique will always be exclusive.

It’s Just A Job

This comment won’t win any stars with recruiters or your boss but when you distill all things into its basic parts, it very much is that…a job. Payment in exchange for your service and time. When you’re done with the day, go home owning that simple fact. There are no additional burdens to carry into your night and it’ll help you get that mental break you need in this insanely fast paced world.

Additional Tips & Tricks

  • Insight Timer – a FREE meditation app I’ve used since 2017. They have paid programs as well but their free service is honest enough for you to enjoy, FOREVER.
  • Soft Skills: The Software Developer’s Life Manual – a book which brushes on the hard bits of software development: dealing with clients, peers, managers, staying productive and more.


I had to get this one off my chest. 2020 has been quite a rodeo to say the least and with our zoom skills increasing and our soft skills not getting its fair shake, I figured now was the time to bring back the human elements needed in an ever abundant remote work ecosystem.


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